Hey DU parents.. I got a question about my hubbys ex.. and want to see if anyone has dealt with this.
We're headed for ANOTHER contempt hearing against her. She lost custody to us and we took her out for child support. Shes supposed to be paying a measly 200/mo (with arrearages) for my husbands son.
Since we've filed (2 years ago in May), we have been in court countless times because she stops paying after a few months from being held in contempt.
She didnt show up today and told my MIL that she has to work tonight for the only weekend of the month she has her kid. We already have a court date in May, and she suddenly got A JOB when she got served the court papers.
Will they still hold contempt charges even though its been 6 months since we've received any payments and she suddenly just got a job again? We will be consulting with our attorney on Monday but its Saturday and well, shes not there today :)
Why is it she can get away with this - if my husband did that, he would've been in jail the first time, not proceeding to the 4th contempt hearing.