and you're describing my day with approximately one half of the toddlers during the first few sessions we work together. Of course, I see kids with language delays and other difficulties, but the behavior is something that I see even in kids I don't work with ;)
Unless there's an underlying medical issue that's causing him problems (ear infection, allergy), you should continue to insist that he use words or sign to communicate with you. Even though he's little and you may think he doesn't understand (and he may not), be sure to tell him, using the same words each time (in whatever version you choose), what you expect: "I don't understand you when you scream. No screaming. You will not get what you want because you scream. Use your words."
Make certain that on the times (and I hope there are times) that he uses a word/gesture/sign appropriately, he is LAVISHLY praised. Over the top, naming the behavior he's accomplished that you're rewarding. "Garrison, GREAT talking! What a good job!" If he has difficulty calming down because he can't quite see outside of his temper tantrum, take his hands and sign "please" for him. Physically walk him through the preferred behavior. As it sounds like you are doing, never never never (have I said never?) reward the screaming behavior by giving in because it's easier. That just shows him that this "technique" is effective.
Aside: I have a lot of parents I work with who cannot bear to hear their child cry. So, when the child cries and screams and trying to avoid working with me, they scoop them up and cuddle them. This is reinforcing the behavior I'm trying to shape. Unless a child is sick or exhausted, he can do what I need him to do. I guarantee it ;)
In addition, we're both in NY, I believe. If this persists, remember that you can contact Early Intervention which can send therapists to help with communication and behavioral issues if he qualifies (it's what I do). Free of charge to you :)
If this continues, speak with your pediatrician. If he/she says it's normal for kids his age or blows you off, and the behavior continues, and it causes difficulties for your family, PM me.
Good luck.