age 13 & 15. they are so excited. gothic filmmaking, chemistry, graphic novels, physics. chomping at the bit. it is a 3 week program at a local teachers college. they get some really top notch teachers, including a hollywood director who has been teaching the filmmaking class for something like 10 years. he started out in chicago, but went on to a really successful career. but he loves teaching this class, so he comes back for 3 weeks every summer to do it. everything is very hands on, and fun. there is a lot there that would benefit the average kid, but i can tell you that they could not really do what these kids do. they really get to find their upper limits. other kids would not keep up. and they are so happy to not be "that smart kid", sticking out like a sore thumb. my baby told me, "i feel stupid there. it's great." she has been writing furiously for half the summer, so that she will have her storyline down, her characters all worked out, and be ready to fly. teacher's colleges are a great resource for gifted kids. both national-lewis, where they are going, and northwestern university here, have similar enrichment programs. you know you have a gifted kid when they are drooling over the course catalog.