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Talking with kids about the Crocodile Hunter

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fortyfeetunder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-05-06 01:57 AM
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Talking with kids about the Crocodile Hunter
My kid (same age as Irwin's daughter Bindi) knew about Irwin's death before I did, think he saw the news as I had turned in early.

But the interesting thing was he wanted me to read stories about death and dying, yesterday and today. We just read the stories and talk about it and then he's happy and goes about his way.

Anyone else having to deal with telling the young'uns about the sudden passing of the Crocodile Hunter?

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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-07-06 11:12 PM
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1. Yes, and I tried to bring it up in the huge threads about it in the
big forums.

My 9 yo son, who was a big fan, heard it from his teacher. I just couldn't tell him myself.

For him, I think it was a great way to learn about it. He said he could tell a lot of the kids were upset but that nobody cried, and the teacher let them talk about it for some time.

My son had pretty much the same reaction yours did when his beloved grandpa was dying, just a wonderful honest curiousity about what it all was about.

Actaully, that's how I learned about sex--I accidentally saw M&D one day (I think I was about 7). M&D asked me to leave, but later I asked mom about it. They just answered my questions then and as I developed more questioons, they matter of factly addressed them.

I've learned with my son (an onlly child, fwiw) to let him take the lead when it comes to the tough stuff. That way he's not overwhekmed with info that isn't pertinent or important to him at the time.

I love kids--we can all learn so much from them!
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Tab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-10-06 11:50 PM
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2. Yes, to my son, aged 10
He was not thrilled, but I think he got that Steve died doing what he wanted to do. It was dangerous, and he wasn't taking the proper precautions. We watched a lot of follow-up clips.

I feel bad for Steve's children, but I think othes can take it in stride. A loss yes - he was a wonderful personality - but sometimes this happens. At least you die doing something you love, as opposed to, say, being a victim of a carjacking.
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lostnfound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-19-06 12:37 AM
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3. My 5 year old has said several times since then that
...he wishes that no one would die, ever. Not people, not animals.

He also mentioned that he wants to see the 'crocodile guy' in heaven.

Okay, sweetie, but not for a long, long, long, long, long time.
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