I would love other parent opinions about allowing your small children to play outside by themselves.
My two girls are ages 7 and 6. I don't mind if they are outside alone in the backyard. If they are out front, I keep my eye on them, and I make sure that they are ok.
We have a circle drive right in our backyard. I can see it from our back, kitchen window. I tell the girls that I have no problem with them riding their bikes in the circle drive, as long as they watch out for cars--and they must be on the sidewalk when they leave the circle drive--not in the street.
We live in a very suburban, low-crime, safe, kid-friendly neighborhood.
However, I feel uncomfortable allowing my children to go outside and play--where I can't see them. My husband thinks it's fine if they're out riding their bikes or walking around out of our view. Am I totally paranoid and nuts for thinking that this is too much freedom for a 6 and 7 year old girls?
I also don't allow them to ride their bikes in the street. We have a neighbor girl who rides her bike in the street and pretty much is all over the neighborhood. We often see her two or three blocks away, while her parents are inside their house. I thought this was a bit odd, but I'm willing to face the fact that maybe I'm just too overprotective!
I'd love to hear any opinions.