When the social worker brought the baby to the house from the hospital - 7 days old - along with an initial supply of formula, etc. I looked at the formula label - "What's this?" I asked. "Why does this say (whatever it said on the label to indicated for preemies....)"
Social worker, "Oh, he was premature. Didn't we tell you?"
"NO. You didn't tell me. You told me he was a "failure to thrive" which is why they 'kept him so long'." And because they didn't have anyplace for him to go. (They were getting ready to send him to the orphanage when I'd run into the case worker the night before.)
"Should he even BE out of the hospital yet. I mean, he's only a week old?!?"
Well, the hospital said they couldn't really warrant keeping him any longer. They need the space (and of course there was no gd insurance so - hey kick the babe out, doncha know. And this was the COUNTY hospital. A good one. :sigh:)
He was ONLY a month premature (which for AA's isn't as big of a deal as it is for non-AA's developmental wise (I later learned) (and oh - btw - while we don't KNOW if he had drugs in his system - 'cause his urine test was tampered with - we think he was just prior to delivery so he might be going through withdrawal. (did I mention this was our FIRST FOSTER PLACEMENT? aaaggghhh.)
Anyway - I nearly panicked. I mean I'd already raised two kids. and helped raise other nieces/nephews, lots of newborn babysitting experience, etc... But a PREEMIE???
We called him "squeeker" cause he was too weak to cry. If he drank 1/2 oz I was ecstatic. I offered every 2 hours. He was able to go off of the "special formula" after a couple of months. A record at the Special Infant Care Clinic. Anyway - I digress - that's not the story.
So - I went online looking for information about preemies. What to do. What not to do. Warning signs. What to look for. Problems, suggestions, etc. etc..... (this was nearly 9 yo ago so the net wasn't as sophisticated and no google, etc. but still there was info out there - just it was - scattered, ya know??)
But (and my point - FINALLY! ) The thing that royally ticked me off more than anything?
Every single damn site made a comment to the effect: "The baby should have a healthy pink color." If the baby is too pale or grey looking, do this this this and/or contact the doctor blah blah blah....." There were even pics showing "healthy pink preemies" and "pale/grey sickly preemies".
One big frickin' problem.
My new son was African American. PINK was NOT an OPTION. Not one NOT ONE GD PICTURE. NOT ONE REMARK about what was a "healthy color" for an AA preemie baby. :nuke:
I made an appt ASAP with the Special Infant Care Clinic at the hospital.
(note how "we"" the newborn socks fit!!)
NOW 8.7: