I realize that this post involves Glenn Beck (yuck), but I have some concerns and I
thought other DU parents might want to discuss this as well.
I realize that Glenn Beck is a right-wing hack. However, his "The Perfect Day"
story has raised some questions for me about our children's safety. Has anyone
seen this? Do you have an opinion on it?
Here is a link to Beck's feature, "A Perfect Day":
http://www.glennbeck.com/news/09112007a.shtmlTo sum up, Beck and others feel that many news reports around the country are interrelated;
and point to major signs that terrorists are planning to strike our children's schools--in
the same way that Muslim extremists attacked that school in Beslan in 2004.
I looked up all of these points that Beck sited. They are all true and verifiable local news
--17 school buses are missing in Houston
--2 Saudi men boarded a high-school bus. They lied about being from Saudi Arabia. They have
only been in the US for six months.
--Beck has a videotape on his site, of Al Qaida training to take over a school. You can hear
Al Qaida members shouting orders in English.
--The FBI issued an alert to local police departments, asking them to watch for people taking
pictures of schools, surveying schools or foreign nationals applying for jobs in schools.
--A Muslim extremist in Detroit applied for a bus-driver job with a fake SocSec card.
--I have not verified this, but Beck said that Osama stated that he will do Beslan "100 times
over in America".
Again, I disagree with Beck on many points--plus, he tends to be an alarmist. However, is this
issue worth exploring? Should we be asking questions?
I'm not trying to scare anyone, but as a parent--this has me concerned.
Can we dismiss all of this, simply because it is coming from Beck--or does the information beg several
questions and it is cause for concern?
Thanks for any input, opinion and insight.