Edited on Sat Nov-17-07 06:58 PM by LuckyTheDog
The process of getting ready for my son's birthday party reminded me of something: You can make your life a lot easier if you "pre-unpack" and then re-pack toys before wrapping them as gifts.
Today's toys are packed heavily. Often it seems as though you need the Jaws of Life to extract them from their boxes. Facing all the twist ties, tape, screws, etc., can be stressful when a young kid is eager to play with his/her toy.
Make it easy on yourself: if you give toys as gifts, extract them from their boxes before wrapping them. After that, you can add batteries, test them out and then re-pack them in their original boxes with only as much fastening as you really need. Usually, a little tape does the job.
This is a small tip. But trust me, if you have small kids, it'll make Christmas morning (or other gift-giving occassion) go more smoothly.