Milk is overrated at later ages anyways, I think, as long as you can get some calcium, but I am lactose interolerant. It seemed to crop up around the age of 16, although I didn't figure it out until I was 26, but I stopped drinking milk. It made my stomach upset.
I don't know if people with this condition are generally the same or not, and perhaps your child is too young to identify it, but I've noticed that the closer to liquid dairy is, the worse I feel.
- Milk - can't even touch it. - Yogurt - like it, but it comes back to haunt me - Cheese - soft, melted - not good - Hard cheese, tolerable - Soft ice cream - not good - Hard ice cream - more tolerable.
At least for me, it's stomach upset, may be diarrhea, but generally feels like my stomach is boiling. I give into ice cream sometimes, just 'cause I like it, and am willing to pay the consequences, and I like harder cheese (cheddar, etc), but soft cheese, yogurt, and definitely milk are off the menu. Melted cheese in moderation - not too awful. Cheeze-wiz or E-Z Cheese does a number on me.
You could see if he'll tolerate a harder cheese, like slices of cheddar (if not too sharp) but it sounds like his body is rejecting dairy. In that case, see if he goes with soy milk
Failing that, a multivitamin or something (ask your doctor) because he will need calcium coming in), but if he's lactose interolerant like me, I don't blame him for rejecting milk. For me, it caught up with me later, but I guess it can happen at any age.
Good luck!