I used these type
http://www.treecitydiapers.com/store/category/1049/61/NEW-Fuzzi-Bunz/and when my last one was little, they came out with hemp ones that are the most absorbent ever! This is not the brand, but I can't find the ones I used - they had rainbow stitching on the sides.
http://www.monkeytoediapers.com/catalog.php?item=262they have snaps and worked AWESOME! They are pricier than the ones you pin, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. My husband attached a spray nozzle (like the one that comes wth a kitchen sink) to the back of a toilet and I would spray the poop off the diaper right into the toilet, they were practically clean when I was done. Washing them was really easy, and I only ever used a cover when we would be out of the house for a long time. When I did, I used a wool one (not hot or scratchy - even though that is hard to beleive)
I packed a plastic sack in my diaper bag for changes on the go (I still have this in my beach bag for wet bathing suits!),
and I used wash cloths instead of expensive wipes. I got a wipes=warmer for a shower gift, and would place several wash cloths in it, with water and a little Dr. Bronner's and tea tree oil to keep them fresh. I would wash these right with the diapers.
I also used to buy some cool seasonal-themed ones from a website that no longer exists unfortunately.