won't allow for the drs to bill in advance, because anything can change. The drs billing department will seek preapproval of charges a couple weeks out though. If your wife has an option, when her renewal comes up, where the out of pocket will be lower than the increase in premiums, it might be wise to change for one year. That will also help with the well baby fees - if that is an option. You can request a 'menu' from the drs office listing all the fees for various services. Most here in IL provide that on the first visit (not sure if that's a state requirement, but it seems consistent). The fees include a breakdown of everything from vaginal, c-section, emergency c-section, intervention like epidural, high risk care, etc. That could help you with budgeting. Some drs and most hospitals offer payment plans, as well.
I could be misunderstanding your question though, so let me know.
As for FMLA, the company isn't required to provide pay during that time - but some of that can vary by state and employer. My employer didn't offer maternity leave, if you hadn't been employed for 1 year. I did receive it, but only 8 weeks worth (emergency c-section). Then I went on to FMLA, since my son was in the NICU. During that time, I had to pay my insurance premiums out of pocket, but didn't lose my job. When I wasn't able to return (he was still in the NICU 3hrs away) after FMLA was up, then I did lose my job and health benefits (expected and planned, fortunately for us).
In any event... Congrats on the baby :D