Edited on Tue Feb-03-09 08:41 AM by lostnfound
This culture is so nuts. Give me the educational system of Sweden or Norway or wherever it was that doesn't really start academics until age 8. After 6 days of illness, a kid just starts to feel better and he's given a chance to fully recuperate, right? Wrong. He goes straight from a miserable illness to a miserable stack of makeup tests, homework, and classroom work in addition to his normal tests, homework and classroom work.
Seven is too young for all of this. When I was a kid, we occasionally had to makeup major tests, perhaps, in 2nd grade -- but not every last thing. I swear, it's another example of how judgment has been thrown out of the window among adults in this country.
I really feel that this situation is psychologically injuring to children. It's fine when they are age 10 perhaps, but for 2nd grade? Grrr.
Why is it that 'challenging work' is only found in schools that test-and-grade, test-and-grade?? I really think that for the early years, the emphasis should be on a rich, challenging environment intellectually, not constant testing. I want teachers that challenge kids to think -- quality and depth, not quantity.