he wouldn't bring us presents :). I guess around Thanksgiving, when they were here visiting, my 7-year-old was asking my mom about whether or not there is a Santa and my mom told her the same thing.
It always worked for us when we were kids. I obviously don't still believe in Santa, but I do believe in the magic of the season ....
I don't know if this helps. The best advice I can give you is to just answer any questions that she has. You could even ask her the questions back to see how much she really still believes (i.e., she asks, "Is Santa real?" and you reply, "Well, do YOU think Santa is real?"). If she says no, than maybe ask her why, but stress that the idea of Santa is one that you don't want your 5-year-old to miss out on, so your 7-year-old shouldn't say anything about it to the 5-year-old.
Good luck :)! Let us know how it goes!!