if they were being bullied or people said nasty things, was to practice what to do in advance:
So, in this case, there are options:
1) If they start in, your daughter should say (as unemotionally as possible), "Why are you so mean?" Sometimes being direct and letting the bullies know that you're aware of it, and you will confront them (in a non-confrontational, non-physical way) helps.
2) If they start in, say, "If you do it again, my mom will need to call your parents and Principal ____. Leave me alone!"
In the meantime, I'd definitely make a few calls:
If you call the other parents, I'd discuss it nonconfrontationally:
"My daughter 'Sally' is having some trouble on the bus, and I don't know if you can help me. Now, I know six-year-old kids don't always give us the whole story, but Sally is saying that your daughter is calling her a "dork" and is throwing her hat around. She's mentioned it the the bus aide (credibility point), but it's still going on. Please understand that I'm not accusing your daughter, but I want to get to the bottom of this. If Sally's not being honest, I'll deal with it. Would you please ask your daughter about this, and if she says it's happening, can you please just ask her to stop? I really appreciate your understanding on this, and if I'm not getting the whole story from Sally, I'd really appreciate it if you'd call me and tell me so I can set things straight."
This direct, yet apologetic approach has worked wonders for us!
My second call would DEFINITELY be to the principal or assistant principal. Be prepared with the bus number and kids' names, if you have them and DEFINITELY tell the principal that the bus aide KNOWS ABOUT THIS. Stuff like this usually goes away quickly, especially if the girls in question don't have a history of being troublemakers and have never had a negative visit to the principal. It usually scares them witless to be called down.
Our experience has been that generally, at this age, there's not too much social "backlash" from reporting. Yeah, the parents might be jerks, but then you'll know why the kids are. Kids your daughter's age can't fend well for themselves.
Good luck.