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Run Ubuntu 9.10 on a USB stick

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Occulus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-28-10 03:47 AM
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Run Ubuntu 9.10 on a USB stick
Well, now, this is useful. Have you ever wanted to maybe use a computer that you didn't own (but had permission to use), or perhaps recover files on an otherwise usable Windows partition that coughed and died?

Ubuntu USB Install to the rescue!

Here's how you do it in Windows, per the above article (I've tried this; it works perfectly for me):

1. Download the appropriate CD/DVD Ubuntu image for your hardware. This links to the official Ubuntu download page.

2. Download the USB Installer for Ubuntu. This links to the executable of the Ubuntu USB automated installer. Note: I don't know for how long this link will be active, so if you're even slightly interested, I urge you to download this now and use it later if you like. I'm sure Googling the filename Universal-USB-Installer.exe will return hits even when this link dies, but in the meantime, get it while it's hot.

3. Format your USB stick to FAT32.

4. Run the USB installer executable and follow the instructions. You'll be asked to provide the Ubuntu .iso file, select the USB stick by its drive letter (MAKE SURE you have the USB drive letter selected and not another hard disk!!), and choose your install method. PLEASE READ the instructions on that last page; it directly affects how you are able to use the resulting operating system.

4.5 Go make a sandwich or something. The install process will take a while.

5. Reboot your computer and go into your BIOS ("hit BLIH-BLAH to enter SETUP" or some such). You'll be looking for an option in the BIOS that allows you to change the boot order. If you want to keep the hard drive safely inaccessible, you'll also want to disable it here. The method for doing so varies from BIOS to BIOS, so it's impossible for me to offer better advice than that. You may also have to enable "Boot from USB" depending on how the BIOS is organized.

6. Once you've set up the boot order and (if necessary/desired) disabled the hard drive, make sure your USB stick is in the drive and select "save and exit" or "save changes and reboot" from the BIOS. If all goes well and you set up your BIOS correctly, you'll eventually see the Ubuntu boot menu, from which you may proceed as desired.

It's not necessarily a completely easy process, depending on your BIOS, but it does work, and for me, flawlessly. Just be aware that it probably won't work properly with other hardware without redoing the whole process above, and also won't work with the same hardware if you alter the system itself (for example, installing NVidia drivers for linux will make the stick unable to boot).

Nonetheless, this is a very handy tool to have in your box as a just-in-case measure. I highly recommend anyone who uses Ubuntu to keep this mobile version in a safe place. You never know when you may want or need it.
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 06:24 AM
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1. See also "SystemRescueCD"

It fits easily on a stick. And if by chance you're dealing with old junk that has USB ports but a BIOS that won't boot from a stick, it may be possible to finesse with a helper CD:

I've booted both Ubuntu and SystemRescueCD from sticks using the latter method with one and the same helper CD
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