My summer project is to build a fast machine on a shoestring, grad student budget capable running 64 bit systems:
1. Scientific programs in Windows 7 (image analysis apps like, ERDAS Imagine 2010, ArcGIS 9.3, Idrisi, Pictometry, etc.)
2. Apple OS X Snow Leopard for my email, web surfing, and graphics programs like Photoshop, iTunes, etc.
3. Ubuntu 10.04 for fun!... and eventually freedom from the above systems!!!
I could make it all happen easily if I buy (could afford) an Apple Power PC, but what fun is that? Plus, I need to be able to use dual X screens for stereo image analysis at very high resolutions (satellite and aerial imagery), so I'll need really good graphics cards, fast processors, a lot of RAM, some type of RAID set up, etc..... it would cost WAY WAY WAY too much to build a comparable Apple machine.
After reading threads here, I am certain I am a n00b compared to the rest of ya'll, so I could use some help and advice, if anyone is willing.
I am starting here: I'll be a LINUX god some day. :D