Or the NVIDIA driver itself? Put this in your /etc/rc.local (or equivalent startup script if your distro is different). Caveats:
1) It has to run BEFORE X starts.
2) You have to keep the downloaded NVIDIA packages in a specific directory (in my case it's /home/nvidia). The script just picks the newest package in there.
3) You have to have the kernel-source package always updated along the kernel package. Not needed if you compile your kernels from source.
3a) In theory, Fedora Core 3 doesn't need kernel-source but I haven't tested.
4) You may see wild disk activity for about 2 minutes or so (more if your machine is slow). If no update is needed/available, there is no impact.
5) Use square brackets instead of angle brackets (damn DU HTML formatting)
if < ! -f /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.o >; then
echo "NVIDIA driver update needed"
if < -d /home/nvidia >; then
cd /home/nvidia
NVPACKAGE=`ls -t NVIDIA-Linux-x86-*.run | head -1`
if < "$NVPACKAGE" != "" >; then
sh $NVPACKAGE -aqn --ui=none
echo "No NVIDIA package found"
echo "No NVIDIA package found"
} >/var/log/nvidia-auto-update.log 2>&1