The Africa Corp (Duetche Afrika Korps) had only 3 German Divisions, plus 6 Italian. Compare that with the invasion of Russia (111 divisions of Germans, 14 Rumanian divisions, 3 Hungarian divisions, 4 Finn divisions)... Hitler's prewar objectives consisted of 1. uniting all Germans (Siezure of Austria, Czechisloviakia) 2. restoring the borders of Germany (Attack on Poland) 3. avenging the loss of WW1 (Low Countries, France) 4. destroy communism, sieze the Ukraine breadbasket and Caucacous oil fields.
Hitler's paranoia was not a major factor until the Army started losing battles... which didn't really start until 1943.
You want WW2 parrellels? Look at Josef Stalin.
1. Purge of the officer corp of political unreliebles 2. Invasion of country for revenge (Poland) 3. Invasion of 2nd country for no good reason leading to embarassment (Finnland) 4. Unwillingness to face military realities (opening attack by Germany) 5. Failure to listen to intelligence experts (same as 4) 6. Interference with military operations for political reasons (Defense of Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad).
BushCo aren't Nazis. They're Communists.