I think the test had simple descriptions of some of the specific Java routines which produce pop-ups, all of which my Maxthon passed. I don't use IE but rather Maxthon, which is a browser shell program based on IE, that has tabs and a lot of built in features, as well as a ton of extensions written for it. I don't use IE as a stand alone program because years ago, Opera got me into tabbed browsing. I only use IE for the Windows Update feature. (I didn't bother to run the tests on the Jason site on IE alone.)
I didn't post the test, Berserker did.He likes FireFox a lot and I thought he might be posting it to show that it is more secure than Internet Explorer. I think it's okay and use it but it doesn't overwhlem me and people are starting to write spamware for it according to what Spyware Blaster now downloads. I also don't like its visual display that much.I actually use it when I cannot get something to display in Maxthon.
I would use Opera primarily, but there are still quite a few pages which don't display correctly on it.
I also do run proxy software on my computer, the good old Proxomitron whose developer has passed away, but people still write configurations for it.
Here is the link for Maxthon if anyone is curious about it:
http://www.maxthon.com/en/index.htm It's multi-ethnic: I believe a Chinese guy does most of the browser work and a Polish gal does a lot of the extension work.