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Speakeasy Embraces Firefox

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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:46 PM
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Speakeasy Embraces Firefox
An ISP providing a free, customized FireFox? For those interested
in better ISPs and browser options.

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ConsAreLiars Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 01:55 AM
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1. I chose Speakeasy as my ISP because of their social goals.
They have always tried to make Internet available as widely as possible. The began early on by establishing Internet cafes and providing free hosting to community groups, and now are attempting to use their broadband customer base to establish wireless hubs throughout the many neighborhoods they serve.

I hadn't known of this alliance with the open source community, but it makes perfect sense in terms of what I know of them. (And, for what it is worth, I had great customer service when first setting up - it seems I am too far from the hub or whatever to get absolute top speed, but they tweaked the settings to give me perfectly reliable service at 2/3 the max.) They only offer DSL, no dialup, and when I eventually decided yo go to DSL I just upgraded with my previous ISP for a while before switching to Speakeasy. Speakeasy is WAY faster, and I'm glad to hear they are doing this instead of the more common approach of bundling all sorts of spyware/adware into their basic (IE) browser like AOL or Earthlink.
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