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Quickly search multiple sites from IE address bar

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Goldom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 09:50 PM
Original message
Quickly search multiple sites from IE address bar
Simple little registry addition that you can make for as many sites as you often search -

1. run regedit.exe
2. go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl\
3. Rightclick on \Searchurl\, and make a new key with the title being whatever you want to type to search. (for example, "g")
4. Modify the data of (Default) in the new key to be the address of the site, replacing where it shows your search term with %s (example,
5. Now to search google, you could just type in the address bar 'g (term)' to search for (term).

I've personally got ones for
a -
d -
e -
i -
w - (where I learned about this from)
y -

a. It doesn't have to be a single letter, I don't think, but if you made it a whole word, then there's hardly any advantage over going to the actual site to search
b. While I don't know any way to do this in Firefox, it already has that search box that you can put different engines into, so there isn't much need for it.
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idiosyncratic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 04:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. The Opera browser has all these built right into the browser
The Google Search is right in the Interface. If you want to add more, you can just edit the appropriate .ini file of the browser.

Using Opera is much preferable, IMHO, to editing the Registry :scared: and using "Internet Exploder."
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