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Another question from the clueless.

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wakemeupwhenitsover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-09 12:02 PM
Original message
Another question from the clueless.
I got a new computer - Vista 64 bit HP - and my Epson POS Perfection 4490 Photo won't work on THIS computer either. I got it working for one brief, shining moment on my old W2KPro, but it was short lived. At this point, I think it's a problem with the USB cable that came with the scanner. (When I got it to work I upgraded some drivers - Voila! Then, like a dork I upgraded the rest of my drivers and back to square one. The problem is that the pop up dialogue box won't shut down - it just keeps popping up so I can't use the Abby Fine Reader since it says 'the twain driver is already in use. Duh, the twain driver is in use because the photo imaging box won't shut down.)

Anyhoo, I'm going to uninstall and reinstall and I'm hung up on Epson's stupid directions. Here it goes:

Scanner Driver Removal

1. Disconnect the USB cable from the device and close any open windows.
2. Click Start, then click Control Panel.
3. In the window that opens, click Uninstall a program under the Programs heading.
4. Select Epson Scan, then click Uninstall/Change.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the removal and restart your computer.

Scanner Driver Download

1. Go to
2. Click on Scanners.
3. Under Scanners, select View All, then select your model from the list on the right.
4. Click on Windows.
5. Click on the most current version of the scanner driver for your Windows operating system.
6. Click on Download Now and follow the prompts to save the file to your desktop. Make a note of the file name in order to easily retrieve it.

Scanner Driver Installation.

1. Double-click the downloaded file on your desktop.
2. Click OK, Unzip, then OK again.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation and license agreement. The installer will copy the files to the system.
4. Click Finish when prompted.
5. Turn your unit on and reconnect it to the computer after the installation is complete. Windows should detect new Hardware and complete the installation automatically. (If a New Hardware Wizard appears, allow it to search automatically.)
6. If a message appears indicating "The scanner has not passed Windows logo testing', click Continue Anyway. Then click Finish.
7. Restart your computer before reconnecting the USB Cable and testing the scanner software.

Here's where I'm hung up. Under Scanner Driver Installation, don't I turn the unit on and reconnect in Step 5? And if so, what the hell is step 7?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Shardik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-09 12:22 PM
Response to Original message
1. My guess is they left out step 6.5 which tells you to unplug the scanner before you reboot
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wakemeupwhenitsover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-09 11:02 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks. I finally got it working.
Of course, it still won't shut off. :grr:

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