In the "Wild west" days of the web, there were indeed all sorts unscrupulous bastards out there and it was usually worth using a "proper" registrar to avoid paying an inordinate sum of money, and to make sure you kept control of the domain. The regs have been tightened a lot since then, and anyone playing games these days will find a large gentleman with a sharp stick knocking on their door with a message from ICANN.
With that in mind, I'd be inclined to drop the hosting team at a line and tell they them you've got this domain, and could they set up nice normal hosting for it? Chances are they're already set up to do this proceedure-wise, so whilst there might be a small admin fee you should just be able to give them the details and the transfer key and leave them to it: That way you get the proper urls accross the board.
The "www" bit is a messy area. In theory, it lets you subdivide your domain by function (file transfer at, email at, time at in the same way you can subdivide it by content (,, It's only a naming convention, and you could set up an ftp server at and a website at - although you would confuse the fuck out of almost everyone. You'll see some sites without the www at all (, for example) although you'll notice doesn't get automagically converted to a link by DU, whereas does: Same will apply for emails and the like. Best to leave it in, IMHO.
For forwarding purposes, it would be nice if you could say "* -> *", but when RFC1034 was written they didn't think of that (Doh!). Some nameservers let you set up a wildcard with a fudge, some don't (I've noticed my host, Godaddy, doesn't) so you have to take it on a case by case basis whether you need & records. It's safer to include both, and it's not
that much extra typing. :)
Sigh. It's not you, it really
is a pig's ear.