No, it isn't some tricked-out holodeck kit, it's a middleware PC from Blue Hippo.
Blue Hippo is a company that sells PCs by plan for low income folks. Make a down payment, then time payments until a baseline amount is accrued after 13 weeks, and they'll send you a computer.
In 2008, the FTC leaned on BH for unsound practices, namely not shipping computers. A settlement was reached in April, a few million dollars deposited into a redress fund, promises to make timely shipments were made, and regular compliance reports were to be issued.
In the following year, Blue Hippo took in $15 million from customers, and delivered exactly ONE PC.
And that ONE PC was the result of a clerical error, not intent.
Which made the FTC ooooooh sooo mad, they went back to court in April 2009. BH suddenly went on a buying spree, ordering thousands of PCs to cover the backlog. Even then, over 1000 qualifying customers were left out. No customer received a PC within the promised 3-4 week time frame, deliveries averaged 6 months.
Meanwhile, the FTC added further charges, for playing shenanigans with their refund policy. And ignoring the compliance reports order.
6 months later, the FTC has taken all it can stand until it can't stands no more -- contempt charges were lodged against Blue Hippo 2 weeks ago.
"Years of broken promises by BlueHippo have left consumers seeing red," said FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz. "We’re putting companies like this on notice: If you mistreat consumers and thumb your nose at the courts, we will hold you accountable."
Yer a real tiger, Jon. A veritable
More here:, Blue Hippo just keeps on keepin' on. Same as it ever was: