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Question on Revo's "Evidence Remover" tool...

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Earth Bound Misfit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-09-09 08:12 PM
Original message
Question on Revo's "Evidence Remover" tool...
Does this tool also delete the registry entries associated with the "erased" files and folders? Prolly not, according to their description on the Revo website:

....Simply deleting your documents, history and other data is not enough. After covering your tracks or deleting your confidential documents your computer could still contain:

Detailed history of online chats
Complete history of the web sites you've visited
All the images files you've looked at
Copies of emails you’ve read and written
Every online movie and video clip you have observed
History of documents you've opened
Confidential and temporary documents you've created
and more...

Limitations: After using the Evidence Remover tool the deleted files and folder names are still visible to recovery tools, but not recoverable as a file or a folder.

I LUVS me some Revo!
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plcdude Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-17-09 04:14 PM
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1. so what is the
best evidence remover that you know of?
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Stinky The Clown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-17-09 11:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. These

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Earth Bound Misfit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 11:23 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Revo's the only one I've used so far.
Edited on Fri Dec-18-09 12:06 PM by Earth Bound Misfit
Let me re-qualify my OP. It was not intended to be a knock at Revo, but after re-reading what I posted it certainly reads that way. I actually DO "Luvs me some Revo", I was NOT being sarcastic. It is a fine utility, I've been using it about 3 mos.

I am a novice to intermediate user in the process of trying to educate myself by reading & posting to several computer forums seeking the advice/guidance/instruction/opinions of more advanced users, and I guess my question should have read more like "Is there an evidence removal tool that ALSO scrubs the registry?"

I use Revo, but had some difficulties/issues uninstalling AV programs/OA free firewall w/Revo. Had to re-install/uninstall with the removal tools. I use CCleaner after uninstalling w/Revo and then use RegSearch by SteelWerx to do a manual scan/removal of leftover junk, but ONLY after carefully & thoroughly researching each item. RegSearch is a neat little tool and has helped me "teach" myself how to explore and modify the registry with some degree of confidence.

Some progs (all FREE)I have installed which I found useful in not only maintaining and repairing my machine, but also as educational tools (w/links if anyone wants to check em out):

Autoruns v9.57
CCleaner v2.26.0.1050
Erunt & NTregopt
Revo Uninstaller
Secunia PSI
AM-DeadLink 3.3
ATF-Cleaner for XP
OA (Free) Firewall v4.0.0.15

LOVE this little tool:
RegSearch registry search tool V 2.0

ETA: DUH! How could I forget to add the most FANTABULOUS, SPECTACULIFIC prog of them ALL:


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madokie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 07:43 AM
Response to Original message
3. Theres a program called regseeker, google it
and after you remove a program with revo then use the find function, up at the top, in regseeker and you'll find that revo is not all its cooked up to be. I challenge any revo uninstallers to give this a try and see for yourself then and if you find me wrong cuss me or block me or whatever.

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