I'm in linux in the meantime.
Here's what's up: the hard drive light is pulsing, like it's reading or writing something over and over. It's a "flickerish" pulsing, meaning the light isn't steady during activity, but flickers on and off rapidly for about a second, then is totally off for about a second. At the same time, my network meter is reporting small amounts of data being both sent and received. Also, one of my four cores goes from 3-5% (idle) to 11-15% at the same time, sometimes it (any given CPU core) spikes to 30%. This alternates between cores.
I ran Spybot and it found one browser entry that was unrelated. I have previously been running TeaTimer, had AVG running in the background, and just today installed AdAware. Running a system scan in each of these programs has found nothing. I allowed the PC to "do its thing" and the hard drive, CPU, and network activity continued for half an hour straight.
This is not occurring in linux.
It's hard for me to tell if its affects Windows performance from my end because my PC is fast enough that the activity is negligible, and doesn't really affect anything; for example, Oblivion ran at 35fps with everything turned up. I just can't tell if harm is being done from a performance perspective, but I've never seen this behavior before, and it's clearly related to Win7 and not a network attack of some sort (I even updated my router's firmware, temporarily axing my whole internet access in the process, but that's obviously fixed now).
Obviously, I'll run AVG and AdAware tonight, but is there anything else I should look for? I have Windows Automatic Updates turned off, but I looked at it anyway, and there aren't any available, so I know it's not that. Windows firewall is turned on, too.
I looked at my running processes and services and couldn't find anything totally unknown or anything I couldn't account for. Could it be an autodefrag of some sort that Win7 decided to run? I'm kind of stumped here.
I'm glad I have linux while I wait, though. All of a sudden, I feel 'safer' than I did in Windows.....