Because of scanning problems with my old PSC, I installed a new printer I had bought on sale 18 months ago. HP F4180. It is slow as molasses and noisy but does the job. I can use all functions.
Here is the deal. Each PM when I turn off the computer, I flip the power bar to save any energy that the computer uses even when off.
Each AM, even though I am not yet planning to use the machine, I flip the power switch on.
The printer, monitor and computer come on instantly. I have not touched the "ON" buttons. The modem lights have not even completed lighting up and yet the computer and monitor are on and the printer is making all kinds of flashing fights and remains on.
This morning I searched all over to see if I could find something to check or un-check so this would not happen. Found nothing. Maybe I just did not look in the right place. Any hints?
This has been going on since the installation on 4/10.