Edited on Thu Jul-22-10 12:05 AM by Occulus
My final conclusion is that I could do it, but. But! I have to set my SATA drives to run in AHCI mode, disable legacy USB support, and refuse to use the onboard sound on my motherboard. I also have to disable APIC support, and the drive I want to use has to be physically plugged into either SATA port 1 or 2 on the motherboard (it's currently on SATA 3).
"Also, apple doesn't like it and apparently keeps making it harder."
Just like jailbreaking the iDevice. And, in typical corporate protectionist fashion, they're spending money on something they will never be able to stop instead of spending it on improving the product as it is. One could convincingly argue that Apple's protection practices have actually done it more harm than good by reducing the potential consumer base. I probably wouldn't mind using OSX, but I will never pay for Apple hardware when I can get the PC equivalent for half the price.
As for the EULA, well- I haven't taken an EULA seriously in, oh, fifteen years or so. When companies started seriously considering an anonymous mouse click on a dialog box button to be the equivalent of a personal signature to a binding legal agreement, I decided to give them all the finger and just do whatever I damn well pleased. The terms and conditions of the EULA will never even enter my mind as a legitimate impediment to doing what I need to do to make my PC work "my way". The funny part is, I can't even buy OSX and expect it to work with my hardware. That kind of makes the EULA a bad joke....
Hardware issues like these? Very different story. I could do it, but is it worth two or three days of work just to get another "Error 1603/1604" when I try to restore the phone?
Hell no. I think I'm giving up for the time being. The punch line? I was doing this to try to fix an Apple device.
Words fail me at this point. I kind of don't really know what to think.
As for my original problem, the 1603/1604 restore error on the iPhone seems to be related to an Apple update. I guess I'll just have to direct the guy to a Genius Bar appointment at the nearest Apple Store.
Bleuagh. Well.... I tried.