Do NOT spend money on computer repairs. You'll get soaked and, most of the time, they won't be doing anything you couldn't do with five minutes (okay, maybe more than that) and the knowledge. I actually get angry hearing about how much people pay to get their computers fixed, mostly because I could save them quite a bit of cash just by showing them how to learn about their machines and apply fixes themselves that would cost them, and a-dearly.
You're new to Windows 7. That's okay! I used Windows XP forever. Lots of us did! Nearly everyone, in fact; the USPS still uses XP and even Windows 2000 on their machines, so I guess you could say I still use XP (and earlier versions of Windows) every day. I do love my Win7 machine, though, and you will, too, once you learn how to use it.
I'm sure you've already figured out that the Start button is in the same place, there's still a "Recycle Bin", and so on. It looks quite a bit different, but most of the features you're used to are still there, just in a slightly (sometimes drastically) different place, or in a different form.
Please PM me if you have a question about "how to do it" in Windows 7; I'll be happy to help you. Read some Windows 7 beginner's guides online, or maybe buy a Windows 7 book or two. I've found it to be a very stable and fast OS- moreso than XP, by far- and certainly one of the best Microsoft has produced since Windows 98.
A few tips:
+ Turn on Automatic Updates if they're not on (Google the term if you don't understand me) + Download Microsoft Security Essentials (virus software that actually works very well) + Turn on your Windows Firewall (I think it may be on by default) + Read about using Windows 7 + Ask us questions about what you read + Don't worry if you can't find an immediate fix if something's wrong but your PC still works (or even if it doesn't entirely)- this is how you learn about the nitty-gritty, and it's a process I'm continuing right up to today. See my post from today in this very forum for what I mean.
I love solving problems with these machines. Please, feel free to ask me questions; I've been building computers for myself for a long time now.