Trouble loading XP in dell computer.
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Sat Jul-23-11 06:45 PM
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Trouble loading XP in dell computer. |
Dell 2400 1 gig ram When I load XP I experience a freeze when computer restarts for 1st time (after loading first files and checking hard drive)
The screen is rather dark...about 1/3 the brightness before restart.
I suspect the video controller or chip since screen is bright (and right) before restart.
....also adding a video card does nothing doesn't see it.
Board is screwed I right ?? :)
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Sat Jul-23-11 08:10 PM
Response to Original message |
1. If you are adding a video card |
to a motherboard that has a built-in video chipset, you will need to disable the on board chipset in the BIOS, then reboot in Safe Mode. Install driver for the new board and reboot.
If you are seeing the BIOS Post messages (text stuff); then the on board video chipset is probably not fried... maybe bad memory when it gets placed into a higher resolution.... Does it work in Safe Mode?
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Sat Jul-23-11 09:38 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. No..Doesn't even get far enough to install XP. Freezes on 1st restart... |
...maybe..oh... 6 minutes after starting installation.
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Sat Jul-23-11 10:28 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
I've had this happen on a Dell before and that's what it was.
Have you tried completely wiping the hard drive and starting over?
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Sat Jul-23-11 11:59 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. New power supply. (checked it twice) and also changed hard drive. |
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Sun Jul-24-11 12:21 AM
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5. Will it boot a different OS -- say, a fairly recent livecd? |
Your question, as I understand it, is whether this is XP or your box
It doesn't sound like your CD-reader is the problem
Could your XP disk be too old to recognize some new hardware you've added?
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Sun Jul-24-11 05:01 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. It's a customers Box and I've tried XP, XPsp1, XPsp2, XPsp3 |
...tried different memory...drives...edited bios until I'm blue-in-the-face.
put drive/xp on similar computer...etc..etc..
Actually...I should have just drove to compusa...bought a cheap board and told the customer..."Everything's fine"
Kidding....been doing this for 12 years and never seen anything (exactly) like it.
More curious than anything else. :) ...still think the video controller is screwed.
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Sun Jul-24-11 05:49 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
10. I meant something more like: boot some recent standard linux livecd |
If that works, then the problem may be xp
If that doesn't work, maybe the board is gimpy
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Sun Jul-24-11 09:05 AM
Response to Original message |
6. Try a different install disk |
I've had that happen. sometimes an optical drive is slightly wonky and won't properly read a disk that's perfectly good on another machine.
It seems to happen on Dells more often than other brands at least in my experience.
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Sun Jul-24-11 05:03 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. tried different drives, disks...etc. Thanks anyway. :) |
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Sun Jul-24-11 05:42 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
9. About the only thing left is RAM. |
If it's not that, scrap the board.
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Sun Jul-24-11 11:27 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
12. I'd be inclined to make an early call |
of bad ram. Could affect loading of BIOS thereby affecting screen.
Dunno, it's hard to say Jazz. Don't wipe the mobo off too early until all possibilities exhausted.
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Mon Jul-25-11 08:58 AM
Response to Reply #12 |
13. Hi Canetoad!......haven't seen you in awhile.Nice to see your name again. |
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Sun Jul-24-11 05:52 PM
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11. ... Troubleshooting Dell Dimension 2400 ... |
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