Yesterday was the day my hardware decided to give up the ghost entirely. Thankfully, I have backed up everything I wish to back up, but it suddenly started losing CMOS settings (replacing the battery was the first thing I did) and three times got stuck in a "try to boot- power down completely and try again" loop. For some reason, the only way the PC will now boot properly is to power down, manually clear the CMOS using the tiny button on the mobo, power up, and ignore the warnings and use the factory defaults. This will get me into Windows, but unfortunately, there are several BIOS settings I need to have enabled for things like SLI and such.
Additionally, as of last night the POST screen didn't show on the screen at all; neither did the Grub menu, nor the Windows splash screen. I don't know what I did or how I did it and I couldn't replicate the keystrokes I used if you paid me because I was literally flying blind, but after several tries, I'm now- somehow- in Windows with all my desired CMOS settings in place. I really don't want even to reboot, though.
Obviously, there is more going on here than a simple collapse of the OS. That I can live with, but it's looking more and more like I need a new mobo (which of course also means a new CPU and RAM), and which oh yes, must also have an nForce chipset and support an SLI configuration so I don't also have to shell out for a new GPU (when I already have two that work).