For years and years I've mainly dealt with one local guy, and more recently his newish business partner. First at a store called Alabama Computer Associates, and later at a store called T & G Professional Computing. I remember being real excited one day when I went by ACA and bought a 40 megabyte hard drive. It seemed so huge!
I've bought at least four entire systems from them since 1999, when I bought an AMD K-6 II 450. It was a Friday afternoon and I had just got paid. I had been saving up to buy a new computer for a few months. I remember when I counted out the twelve hundred-dollar bills, a twenty, a ten, and single... plus nineteen cents, I think, he said "it's turned out to be a good week after all." We all had a good laugh.
I was saddened when, the other day, I rode past the T&G store. I'm not sure, because the traffic was pretty heavy, but I think I saw, out of the corner of my, a big sign on the building that said "Bakery." (Disclaimer: I love bakeries too.)
I worry about this trend often. And it's not just about computer stores. More and more, everyday, corporate giants are sucking up everything. It makes it much harder for an individual to use their particular skill to produce income and support themselves. It's the exact mirror image of theoretical communism, except that it is very real.
Same way with tv shows like "American Pickers." I like the show and watch it all the time. But people, since ancient times, have been making a living by "picking." I used to have an uncle (actually, he was a tertiary cousin, but he seemed more like an uncle) that was a picker. He made a living. He certainly wasn't rich, but he owned a home and a car, and all that good American Dream stuff.
"American Pickers" has become a pretty popular show. Mike and Frank seem like nice fellows. But I bet the real pickers out there hate it, because I bet it makes their job a whole lot more challenging... harder. The History channel, Hearst, Disney, and NBC-Universal made it harder for many, many people out there to make a living.
Sorry. I didn't mean to go off on a rant. But, yes, his experience jibes with mine.