I've never used a Mac at home. Apple hardware is overpriced, and always has been. I was thinking about trying out their OS back when it was briefly made available for x86, but they ended that practice before I got around to trying it.
I did use a Mac back in school in the early nineties, but it was on those machines that had tiny little monochrome monitors. I remember one day that I got to use a Mac, with a big! (must have been 20 inches) color monitor, for a few minutes. I was impressed with that. But I had to give it up when a more senior student, working on a multimedia project, came around. (Well, technically, I didn't have to give it up. But he needed it more than I did, and I tried not to be a 'hole. So I went back to the tiny little mac.)
Windows 95 was a huge improvement over 3.1, and 98 was better still, aesthetically, but it still locked up constantly.
The last version of Windows I used on a regular basis was 2000, based on NT. It crashed less often than the DOS-based Windows versions, but it still crashed a lot.
I've still got XP installed on the computer than I'm posting this from, but I literally never use it. It came with the computer, and I keep it there "just in case" I ever need it for something. I haven't needed it yet.
I like Linux, because it never crashes... unless I run code that I know will likely crash it. Also because I can tweak it to my heart's content. The source code is there for all to see. If I want to change it in some way, I can do it myself. Or if I don't know how to, I can post on any of countless message boards, and someone will tell me how to do it.
And linux is tweakable in superficial ways too. While I'm using the defaults on Ubuntu currently, I have dozens if not hundreds, of window managers and desktop environments, not to mention countless desktop themes to choose from. I can make my computer look and behave the way I want it to.
And linux, or any POSIX-based system, is more easily automated than Windows, in my opinion.
So I vote for Linux. But it's not personal for me. If someone prefers another OS, that's fine by me. Whatever helps you get your stuff done. That's what computers are for... getting your stuff done.