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This is odd -- File Icon Missing for .txt

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Pockets Donating Member (388 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-05 11:11 PM
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This is odd -- File Icon Missing for .txt
This is an minor aesthetic issue but not knowing how to fix it is annoying. I thought I knew something about computers, but maybe I've lost my touch.

In XP under any login, the graphic of a notebook associated with .txt files icons is missing, replaced by the generic blank looking icon that usually is for files that are not registered.

I have tried unsuccessfully going into Folder Options, under the File Types tab, to register .txt files with Notepad. Even more annoying, Folder Options is telling me that a text file by default is a "displa document". I never heard of a "displa document" before. I wouldn't doubt it is an old piece of crappy shareware or virus leftovers, but it's odd that "displa document" doesn't come up in a Google search. "Displa Document" is scattered throught regedit though....

This is no biggie, just frustrating. The files open fine in Notepad. But since I use text files a lot it would be nice if the icon looked normal. Here's a picture of what's happening...

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_NorCal_D_ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 01:36 AM
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1. Hmmm
There's a possibility that the icon itself is missing for some reason, but first try this:

-- Click Start, then Run

-- Type 'regedit' in the box labeled open

-- Click on the folder labeled 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT'

-- Click on the folder labeled 'txtfile'

-- Click on the DefaultIcon folder and try resetting the icon by right-clicking on name and selecting modify. The default txt icon on my system is:

Name: (Default)
Data: %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-152

Hopefully this will work. B-)
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trotsky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 12:30 PM
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2. What you need to do is rebuild the icon cache.
Windows does this so it doesn't have to constantly look up various icons. But, like any file, it can get corrupted. If you download the Windows PowerToys, it's in there. Otherwise there are little freeware utilities like this:
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Pockets Donating Member (388 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-10-05 08:13 AM
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3. Thanks...
Thanks for your recommendations. I will try them when I get home.
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