When I installed Windoze 2000 Pro about 15 months ago, I created separate partitions for the OS, Program Files, Data, Photos, etc.
I thought I made the C:\ drive large enough at 3 Gigabytes, because I was not going to install any programs on that partition. Programs were going to go on the D:\ partition. All my data goes on the E:\ partition.
When I ran defrag the other night, I found out the C:\ drive only has 9% free space. All these Windows Updates, that apparently download in the background, are filling up the partition. Since I rarely log on as Administrator, I'm not even sure how many of these I have actually installed . . .
So, I ran Partition Magic to resize the partition, but it returned an error. I'm not sure if the error was related to the lack of free space, or what, but I haven't had problems with resizing partitions before.
Can I delete some of these folders that all begin with, for example, $NtUninstallKB84 . . . ?
There are 25 of these . . . Then there is another one that starts with $MS131Uninstall_KB . . .
This old Pentium III 600 Mhz computer functions perfectly. I use Opera 8 as my browser, Zone Alarm as my Firewall, and my AVG Antivirus is very up-to-date. I have two 40 GB hard drives.
TIA for any help you can offer . . .