i don't have cable tv either ... when i called my local cable company, they want around $65 a month for internet service ... they said if i also got cable tv, the internet service would only cost me $40 ...
i ended up going with Verizon DSL and i've been happy with them ... the only catch is that you have to have local Verizon phone service (which i already had) ...
Verizon just came out with a slightly slower level of service for $14.95 a month ... that might be worth a shot ... it would be way better than dial-up ... i'm paying $29.95 a month and i have very good download and upload speeds ...
if you go with the $29.95 plan, i think it comes with a free wireless router/modem combination called a Westell Versalink router ...
the technology is pretty simple ... just follow the bouncing ball ... the signal you need would come from a website you visit to a Verizon server ... it would then be sent to your dsl router/modem combo (you would connect a standard phone cable from your phone jack to the router/modem - you can still use your phone while you're on the internet) ... then, you could connect a wire (called an ethernet cable) from the router/modem to the nearby computer ... the other computer would require the purchase of a compatible wireless card (unless you wanted both computers in the same room - then you would just need a second ethernet cable) ... wireless cards cost somewhere between about $30 and $80 and are simple to install ... at that point, both computers would have access to the internet ...
fwiw, i'm not at all familiar with MACS but those are the basics ... if you decide to go for DSL, make sure you verify all of the above to ensure its consistent with MACS ...
you can check whether you're area receives Verizon service (the website is sometimes not up-to-date - try calling them) on this website:
http://www22.verizon.com/forhomedsl/channels/dsl/?also, if you really want to make a thorough study, the following website is excellent: www.dslReports.com
hope this helps ...