I used to be able to hack my way through problems, but I'm too far behind for this one. A friend has broadband AOL on Comcast cable. (They pay for BOTH, which leads to more questions, but not now.) HISTORY: Needed larger HD. Installed. Panda added. MS firewall disabled. System works.(as I'm told) THEN: Something fails. AOL advises upgrade from 6.0 to 9.0. Upgraded. NOW: Websites fail. 404 page not found on both AOL and IE. EXCEPT one bank site. Lasalle bank. I tried viewing privacy links just to insure it's not a cached remnant. BOTH on IE and AOL's internet viewer, same failures, same success only with Lasalle. Can't get help from AOL since it jumps to internet which fails 404. YET: AOL loads today's news. Just no other website, e.g. yahoo.com google.com, with or without full URL. Panda successfully reaches its own site for an update, downloads and completes its install. NOTE: NO listed sites in CPanel:Internet options under trusted sites, or rest. Could not find AOL's firewall. I imagine it might have one. I hate AOhelL.(They're readier to drop it.)
I'd appreciate any help.