It's a problem hooking up a computer via a USB port to a telephony modem, which is what some cable companies are using for the dual purpose of providing telephone and broadband internet service rather than a separate cable modem. The person doesn't have an ethernet port, and apparently the CD drive is messed up and so unable to load the drivers off the disc. I was hoping they could be downloaded, but the company that makes the modem doesn't offer them for consumers on its website. (It does offer the USB drivers for its consumer cable modem, but I'm not sure if this would work with the telephony modem, and I would have to suggest it and potentially make the problem worse before trying to get the CD to work.)'ve made some progress to an extent, but it appears the problem boils down to getting the CD drive working. I've asked some questions that will hopefully help lead to results, but I'm having to go to bed now and won't be able to reply until tomorrow.