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Help - Windows Explorer keeps failing

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truthseeker1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-06-06 06:16 PM
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Help - Windows Explorer keeps failing
I keep getting the same error over and over when I try to go into My Computer.

My system has been running slow lately and having lots of errors and freezes (to which I've only been able to cold boot out of), so decided to run Defrag. Well, Defrag said I only have 8% of space left and I need to free up at least 15%. I've been repeatedly trying to get into My Computer to start figuring out what's hogging the space and start deleting stuff. I can't get anywhere because it keeps booting me out, saying Windows Explorer error.

I'm running XP (Media Center Edition) on a 3.2 gig processor with 80 gig hard drive.

Things I've done so far:
Restore point
Backed up the registry
Ran Microsoft updates - upgrade to SP2 (service pack 2) & security updates (For some reason the Outlook 2003 updates did not install and I got a message at the end that said this.)
Ran Ad Aware
Norton Anti-virus - Ran Quick Scan, tried running Full Scan but failed

I've reached a dead end and can't figure out what else to try. Anyone who has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

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Berserker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-06-06 07:30 PM
Response to Original message
1. Have you checked
what is running in the background? It sounds like you may have lots running. Go to the run box and type in msconfig click on startup and see what you have running. All I let run are..Taskbar, System Tray,
Scan Registry and my Anti-Virus program.
Norton is a well known resource hog in itself there are free anti-Virus programs that are much better like AVG.
You should also run Spybot S&D along with Ad-Aware each will find different things.
Another good program to use is Ccleaner...
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democracyindanger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-06-06 07:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. And try booting into safe mode
F4 (I think) when booting up. See if you can open My Computer in safe mode.
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truthseeker1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-08-06 05:54 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Not able to get into Safe Mode
After many MANY reboots in the last several days, I have been unable to get into Safe Mode - I've tried F8, F4, F10 when booting and nothing. I've tried it at every possible interval between the black screen at startup and before seeing the Windows screen. Really weird......
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Prisoner_Number_Six Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-09-06 12:29 PM
Response to Original message
4. Here's what you want to do
Edited on Sun Apr-09-06 12:53 PM by Prisoner_Number_Six
Go to your START menu, hit RUN, then type MSCONFIG. This is a "hidden" configuration utility. When it comes up, go to the STARTUP tab and uncheck everything.


Go to and download Spybot Search And Destroy. Download also the Detection Updates file. Install Spybot, but don't run it. Next install the updates file, THEN run Spybot.

Go to MSCONFIG again, and re-enable your startup items. DO NOT re-enable anything that looks like a nonsense item (I.E. lvxettpzq.exe or anything similar) and do not re-enable any item without a description.


Uninstall Norton Antivirus- at this time it's a junk program and does not protect your system. Purchase and install McAfee Internet Security instead.

If IE now comes up properly, go to Windows Update (direct link is in the IE TOOLS menu) and make sure you have the latest updates.

NOTE: I always advise my clients to disable System Restore. It's a flawed concept- if you have a virus problem, successfully clean it off then for any reason restore to an earlier point, you will restore the virus also. The solution is simply to protect your machine and practice safe browsing to minimize further infections.

NOTE 2: Download this zip file and extract it: What this is, is an old 32 bit version of the original Windows File Manager. I rescued it off an old NT 4 Workstation installation. It works perfectly, and you don't have to install it- it can be run from any location. When you run it, go into the VIEW menu, then By File Type, and check Show Hidden/System Files.

There are three locations to look for old temp files that can be deleted: 1. Documents And Settings/(Your startup profile)/Local Settings/Temp (this is a hidden directory and will not be visible until you unhide it with the above instruction). 2. Just below Temp is Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5. You'll see a listing of what looks like a bunch of nonsense directories- these are archived web pages. They can all be deleted. These directories are where many downloaded virii/spyware programs hide. 3. Browse to C:/Windows/Temp. This is another system temp folder, and can be safely cleaned out.

Empty these three folders and you may clear up a lot of space AND delete a few virus files.

Good luck.

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