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Four Year Old Child's Wisdom

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 05:29 PM
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Four Year Old Child's Wisdom
Edited on Sat Sep-24-05 05:29 PM by AZDemDist6
A four year old child's wisdom. Why dogs do not live as long as

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa, and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it
would be good for the four-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's
family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion.

We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why." Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody and being nice, right?" The four-year-old continued, "Well, animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

Sent to me my email, not my personal story
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meow2u3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 06:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. Inspiring!
We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why." Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody and being nice, right?" The four-year-old continued, "Well, animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

Out of the mouths of babes....
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Samurai_Writer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-25-05 05:53 AM
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2. Well damn, now I'm crying!
I lost my sweet Magic to pancreatic cancer on June 25th. He was only 5 years old. That kid definitely has it right.
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-25-05 11:36 AM
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3. That is the truth. They sure are born loving everybody.
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IndyOp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-25-05 08:46 PM
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4. Thank you, Shane
That's the most sensible, loving, comforting explanation I've ever heard.

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