I'm still having problems with accidents with my Lilly who is one. I've trained many dogs but have never had a little dog before this. What I have been told by trainers and vets is that little dogs are harder to train. You also have traumatic issues to cope with as well. My Lilly will only rarely mess in her kennel now but still has several deliveries in the house on a weekly basis. I take her out eight times a day on a regular schedule and hubsie takes her out at 2:30 am. I drew the line with the middle of the night trek around the yard. If she is not in the kennel she is within view of me at all times so that I can catch if she starts to squat. I've also started keeping a "delivery chart" to see if I can see patterns that I might be missing. She drives me crazy cause she has accidents frequently right after I take her outside. Sometimes right after she goes out there. I'm needing to pull up the carpet in my bedroom because of her messes. It was going to be done anyway but will be sooner rather than later. She's not on the furniture unless I'm right there with her and so far she hasn't ever messed on my bed. I just know that the little light will turn on in her doggie brain and I continue to hope that it will happen before I'm old and incontinent myself. I don't know if I'll be able to find anyone to clean up after the both of us.