Birds go through a molt, I think it's once or twice a year but I'm not sure of the frequency. Older feathers fall out and new ones grow in. When the new feathers are growing in, they look like little spikes. It's the feather's shaft, with the feather coming in inside it. When they're ready, the shafts come off, leaving the growing new feather.
When she's molting, my Grace sometimes looks like a little porcupine, with all the quills sticking out, especially on her head. Molting takes a lot of energy, and sometimes the quills can make the bird itchy. She might appreciate some gentle scritches, emphasis on gentle because it could be a bit painful for the bird if you touch the area too hard. (Sometimes a bird won't want you to touch them there because they might get sore from it.)
Give Murphee a kiss for me. Grace says 'hi' to her. :hi: