They each behaved differently. All the cats are female. The oldest cat Cinnamin, still growls and hisses, and stayed in a separate room at the beginning but is now getting more social. It's been 5 days.
The second oldest cat, Patches has always been the Head-Master of the house. She tolerates the kitten and nothing more. She is always watching to make sure the the others cats are not going outside the bounderies Patches has set...whatever they may be.
The youngest, Cream Puff has adopted the new kitten as her own and cries when ever the kitten is not around her.
The kitten who we have named "Kerry" is a little Devil and not really afraid of anything. She has this odd habit of laying down in the litter box...ugh!
We have 3 litter boxes and 3 dishes of food and water at different areas of the apartment. Cinn likes to eat alone. Patches eats everyones food and Cream Puff hardly eats anything.
We weren't expecting to have a fourth cat but someone abandoned this kitty when they were evicted and our landlord asked if we would take it in. Add this kitten with the other 3 cats, the two turtles, two rats, two fish, two parakeets and two Hermit crabs and we have ourselves quite a little zoo.
I was really nervous about this addition to our family but it has gone very smoothly.