I took Teddie, my golden retriever, to the park this morning before work to give him some exercise. He loves to play fetch with his kong. So I was throwing and he was retrieving in a softball field. The field was covered with a very thin coat of icy snow, the result of a snow-sleet combination we had yesterday here in NY.
After a while, I noticed that blood was running down both of Teddie's front legs from around his dew claw. He apparently didn't feel anything, but I took him home. I thought maybe he had injured one leg and gotten blood on the other leg from one wound.
At first it looked like the dew claws were mangled, but after wiping away the blood, I realized the wounds were not that bad --more like scrapes or lacerations, right on the black "finger" part of the dew claw.
But the very weird part is that he had them on both sides. How had he badly scraped both dew claw paws? There was no glass or any sharp objects I could see on the field.
My only guess is that, like most retrievers, he has a tendency to overshoot the ball when retrieving and "skid" on his front paws. Maybe he was skidding his front legs on the ice, trying to stop after overshooting the ball. And because it was very cold this morning the ice was probably hard and sharp. That's the only guess I have.
Has anyone ever seen this kind of injury on a dog?