Edited on Fri Jan-07-05 08:18 PM by Minimus
I had Sonic (RIP 12/1/04) neutered male then got Frolic, now 3 who was spayed. They always got along just fine. Since Sonic was getting older and sick he was not playful enough so we decided to get another puppy so Frolic would have a playmate.
Well Frolic obviously did not want a playmate because she got into it with Mimic (now 9 months old) several times. We got Mimic spayed as soon as possible to hopefully prevent anymore fights. It got worse and worse as Mimic got bigger she would not submit to Frolic, and boy did that make Frolic mad. They would play together 99% of the time, wrestling and playing with their toys, but if something special, like food, a treat,a tennis ball (Frolic's favorite toy) was put in the mix, Frolic would get very aggressive toward Mimic and attack her.
Frolic's attacks sent us to the Vet several times, mostly just mouth wounds treated with antibiotics. On one occasion I had to take my husband to the walk in clinic cause he was breaking up their fight and was bit (by Frolic) on the meaty part of the palm. He had to get a tetanus shot and get the wound cleaned and take an antibiotic.
Well the last blow up was the mother of all. It was early in the morning one Saturday about 5 AM, I was still in bed (with Sonic), my husband was up making coffee and Frolic and Mimic were playing at his feet. All of a sudden they got into a ferocious fight. I was awakened by my husband's scream (because he was too dumb to learn from his first lesson), he reached down and tried to separate them and he GOT HIS FINGER BIT OFF to the first knuckle, left hand, ring finger. Well it was barely hanging on by a little piece of skin, but the bone was severed.
I grabbed Mimic and crated her, I put Frolic outside and Sonic behind a gate. There was blood everywhere and I freaked out. I gave my husband a towel and he is sitting on the floor holding his finger, telling me to get dressed so I can drive him to the ER. I'm so upset I said there is no way I can drive, I called 911, they told me to make sure he just kept pressure on it. The next thing I know there is an EMT, a firetruck, another EMT in his own car, and a sheriff coming into my house.
While they are bandaging my husbands finger the sheriff is asking questions because a report has to be filed with a dog bite. All my husband can do is say "you are not taking my dog" (Frolic is his favorite). The sheriff assured us that animal control would follow up and since it was a bite involving the owner nothing would happen, just confirmation of rabies vaccinations.
So the EMT takes my husband to the ER, they have to call in a hand specialist. They took him up to the OR and reattached his finger in a two hour surgery. The put a pin in it and stitched it all around. The surgeon showed me the xray and said that was a serious bite. The bone above the knuckle was severed and crushed.
The hospital released my husband that afternoon and when we get home I go to let Mimic out of her crate and she is covered in blood. Frolic had managed to also wound her neck. I of course freaked out again, because I felt guilty for putting her in the crate without checking her over, but I did have to attend to my husband's situation. Anyway, my doped up husband held her while I drove to the Emergency Vet. Mimic had to have surgery, have a drainage tube put in her neck and stay the night. BIG vet bill there.
We took Frolic to a Behavior Specialist Vet. We thought if she was aggressive we would have to put her down. He tested her for aggressive behavior but she does not display aggression toward people, she lets you take food away, and minds very well, etc. She just hates Mimic.
Well to sum it all up, after that we kept them totally separated. We had gates all over the house (that was a pain) but we were just too nervous. Mimic healed. My husband got the pin and stitches out and is even getting some feeling back to the tip.
I had to have Sonic put to sleep on Dec 1, my husband moved out on Jan 1 and took Frolic with him. So now it is just Mimic and me.
I miss Sonic and Frolic, although I can still see Frolic. I'm not sure if I miss my husband, but I'm glad his finger is better. What a coincidence it was his ring finger and now he can't wear his wedding band, huh?
Mimic is happy there are no more gates and she has run of the house, but at times she gets a wistful look in her eyes, like she really would love a playmate.
The End.