> George W. Bush and a secret service agent are taking a stroll when they > come upon a little girl carrying a basket with a blanket over it. > > Curious, Bush asks the girl, "What's in the basket?" > > She replies, "New baby kittens," and she opens the basket to show him. > > "How nice," says Bush. "What kind are they?" > > The little girl says, "Republicans." > > Bush smiles, pats the little girl on the head and continues on. > > Three weeks later, Bush is taking another stroll, this time with Karl Rove. > > They see the little girl again with the same basket. > > Bush says, "Watch this, Karl; it's really cute." They approach the little > girl. > > Bush greets the little girl and asks how the kittens are doing, and she > says, "Fine." > > Then, smirking, he nudges Rove with his elbow and asks the little girl, > "And can you tell us what kind of kittens they are?" > > She replies, "Democrats." > > Abashed, Bush says, "But three weeks ago you said they were Republicans!" > > "I know," she says. "But now their eyes are open.