Hope that the biopsy turns out to be nothing serious.
He is a real cutie.
PS I have heard that those constant ear infections can be a result of yeast in the system and a diet change can help.
Perhaps Ennova or Wellness? If you do decide to change, gradual change is in order.
Here is an article about the systemic yeast infection.
http://www.greatdanelady.com/articles/systemic_yeast_infections_candida_albicans.htmhttp://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ahealth.htmYeast in Pets
Systemic Yeast Infections - Candida Albicans
In the past years we have seen the overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals, with little regard for the ramifications of this overuse on the environment of the beneficial bacteria of the gut (intestinal flora). Antibiotics are necessary at times, but need to be use judiciously, and at the same time as we are using antibiotics, we need to supplement probiotics (beneficial bacterias) to reestablish the intestinal flora of the gut that is killed off from antibiotics or lost to stress.
When the dog is on antibiotics or stressed, the pH balance of the gut is out of balance, and beneficial bacteria in the gut may be destroyed. This causes this insidious fungus to take over and this overgrowth is very detrimental to our health and well being. These are some of the conditions that can alter the pH balance of the gut: learn more
"The main cause of yeast infections, such as Candida Albicans, is from grain-based foods. Dogs were never meant to eat grains. Their main diet in the wild is raw meat and vegetation. The only grains they ever get are already predigested in the stomach or the bowels of their prey. Cooked foods—anything in a can or a bag, vaccines—which compromise and destroy the natural immune system, and antibiotics—which kill the friendly bacteria which would ordinarily fight and overwhelm the yeast, any other drugs are all additional reasons for seeing such a preponderance of yeast infections. Symptoms include: chronic ear infections; incessant licking of the genitals or the paws or both; lick granulomas; habitual scratching, usually the ears, sides of the torso and underbelly; rashes, most often on the underbelly; and when the yeast begins to move into the head; loss of hearing; loss of eyesight; loss of intelligence, memory and comprehension. Yeast infections always start somewhere in the digestive system; then move to the genital area or to the ears; then finally to the brain, taking over the entire body. It is insidious. Very often these problems are treated with antibiotics or steroids, which only make matters worse." Pat McKay Yeast Infection - An Insidious Disease - More on the side effects of steroids
Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that normally lives in healthy balance in the body, found mostly in the intestines, genital tract, mouth, and throat. When the balance is upset, infection results. This is known as Candidiasis and the fungus travels to all parts of the body through the bloodstream. Safe and effective herbal remedies are available for the treatment of yeast infection
Has your dog suffered from ear infection after ear infection after ear infection? Are you sick of giving your dog antibiotics and other expensive toxic drugs while your precious dog still has chronic ear infections? Learn why chronic ear infections occur as a result of overuse of antibiotics.
You can use Prozyme and give Bailey acidohphilus every day. It is available in any health food store and will do him no harm. Both can be given in his food.