My 7 year old doxie, Molly, developed intervertebral disc disease almost 3 years ago. We took her to the best animal hospital in New York City. The only options we had were to either put her down or surgery. Putting her down was NOT an option. There was the possibility that she could walk after the surgery. She almost didn't survive the surgery, she was so sick. She spent 6 days in the hospital. No words could describe how my heart was breaking. :cry:
Molly was my second doxie to have disc problems. My Misty was also about 5 years old when she was rushed to the same hospital for back surgery. Fortunately, she was walking the next day.
My heart goes out to you and your little boy. :hug: If I remember correctly (I was a little freaked out), they only gave Molly a 35% chance of walking after the surgery (still worth a try), so your baby is definitely better off. I would definitely go with the surgery, especially after the great results I had with Misty.