Okay, I have a cat, Bubba, who I previously thought was about 3 bulbs short of a 4-bulb pack. He recently got diagnosed with a food allergy, and his vet and I have been trying to clear up the allergy sores on his neck. Desperate, we finally tried the "Bite-Not" collar pictured here:
So, I go home, put on the collar, and he immediately slinks down to the ground and lays his ears back and mews pitifully. Bubba is my angel kitty, never gets into trouble, and never cries about anything unless he's sick. So, I held him, cuddled him, told him he was a very good boy; you know, the crazy cat lady stuff. Every time he tries to walk, he slinks with his belly on the ground and bumps into things. He couldn't go downstairs to the litter box, so I tried relocating it upstairs. He just cried outside of it until I lifted him into it (I assumed he couldn't see the sides well enough). So, I carry him to the litterbox whenever I'm home, and give him a 45 min. massage sans collar every night.
I was feeling really bad for him, until my mom came over and regaled me with the following: He looks at me, and when I'm not looking (or if it's just mom in the room), he walks around just fine. She's seen him run after his "bug", climb up and down the stairs, and eat and drink. She said that when I started to open the door, and he heard me, he immediately got into his belly position and laid back his ears and cried; after which I of course warmed up some special lamb dinner and cuddled him (usually I devote time to Miss Gracie for the first five minutes, then to Bubba, whose infinitely more patient, as a rule). My little angel!!! I could hardly believe that this level of deceit and, really, the amount of thinking involved could come from my baby! No, it must be all Gracie's doing, she's the devil cat! Such a smart boy. *sigh* I've been duped by a mentally challenged feline...