It's been a little over two weeks, and things are OK, but it was a tough two weeks. Both Bug and Maggie got very sick.
After four or five days of Bug being an old resentful curmudgeon and occasionally slapping (carefully, no claws) Maggie when he felt she had overstepped the boundaries (often), Maggie started sneezing. The sneezing became more frequent and wet until her nose became totally blocked and she was forced to breathe through her mouth. Her ears got hot, and she lost energy. All she could do was sleep and eat, with frequent bouts of hard, wet sneezing. The VET said to watch her, but as long as her lungs were clear and she was eating she would be OK. This phase lasted about four days, and then she started slowly getting better. That's when Bug started sneezing.
Bug scared us. After a couple of days of sneezing, his nose became completely blocked and he began breathing through his mouth. Because of his size and strength, his sneezes were 9.0 on the Richter Scale and
very wet. Since he was forced to breathe through his mouth, long strands of drool would drip from his chin onto his chest and paws despite our constant wiping. He was miserable and tired and mostly wanted to be left alone.
One morning, he woke me up at dawn from the foot of my bed. He was pissed at the kitten who was on the bed. His ears were back, his eyes glazed from being sick, loud throaty growling, mouth breathing and two long strands of saliva clinging to his chin. I thought he was Cujo.
Bug turned down his breakfast that morning, and we were worried. We decided to try a Benedryl (which we had read about here). We cut a pill in half and managed to get it down his throat. It seemed to help, and he slowly began getting better.
Bug is still weak and sneezing alot, but getting better. Maggie is almost well with just a few occasional sneezes. She has taken advantage of Bug's debilitated condition to assume command of the house. She is running wild in all her kitten energy, cuteness, and curiosity. She has taken over all his toys and favorite spots, and occasionally torments Bug by jumping on his tail or his head. He is still too sick to challenge her, and she knows it. Maggie has also shown a very tender side.
On Bug's worst day, Maggie slowly and deliberately walked up to his face,
laid down , and gently reached out and touched him.

Bug is not a lap kitty or a cuddler. He likes to be petted,
but only on his terms. He prefers to sleep on a chair by himself.
Maggie is very different.

Maggie LOVES to be petted and held.
Her preferred place is on someone's lap.

Hi, 48percenter.
In answer to your question on the
Scoopable Litter Thread that is a picture of Bug from last winter when he lived on a boat.

Other pics of Bug can be found here:
Kitty in the Tub